Fly Tying Made Easy CDC And UP DN TROUT Wing Material
CDC Flies By Rick Nyles

Cul de Canard or CDC for short are feathers that grow near a duck’s preen gland. The are waterproof and buoyant and look lifelike on the water because of their fine nature. Quality CDC is hard to find these days. A lot of them are dyed (removing the oils) or are not as dense as it was years ago. It is not the easiest to work with, but is worth learning. Fishermen complain that fishing with CDC is a pain in the Duck’s behind. It’s not if you follow these tips.
1. False cast a lot to keep it dry.
2. Do not let it swing in the water and pick up dirt.
3. Do a “soft” landing, release up in the air and let it float down.
4. After catching a fish, rinse in the water, squeeze in a paper towel or cotton fabric and then use a dust like Frog’s Fanny to dry it off.
Videos Of Tying With CDC

This video shows a tan colored Caddis being tied. All you need to do is vary/change the color to green, black or gray to make a different body color.

Sulphur Emerger
This video shows a Sulphur Emerger being tied. All you need to do is vary/change the size and color to make a Quill Gordon, March Brown, BWO, Grey Fox or Cahill.

This video shows a Sulphur being tied. All you need to do is vary/change the size and color to make a Quill Gordon, March Brown, BWO, Grey Fox or Cahill.

An Alternative To CDC

Click On Above Icon For More Info And To Purchase Material
UP DN TROUT Wing Material
Are you looking for a easy, quick way to tie flies? The UP DN and TROUT (UP DOWN and OUT) material will speed up your tying time and give your effective flies to catch more trout. These patterns and materials have been tested by guides and their clients on some of the best streams, rivers and creeks in Pennsylvania. Developed by Rick Nyles, Sky Blue Outfitters, and Ray Herbine who found the material. Rick has been looking for a new material to replace his long passion of tying with CDC. Quality CDC has become hard to find and this fills the void left in the industry. It is much easier to work with then CDC or hackle and it has some stream side advantages such as changing the look of the fly (split the wing by twisting or push down to spread it out) to catch those picky trout. All these example were tied with the UP DN and TROUT wing material (wings and shucks). Mayflies (Up), Caddis (Down) and Spinners (Down & Out). One material for all these flies…

User Submitted Patterns Using The UP DN TROUT Wing Material

The Orvis judges said…
“All of the judges said they have never seen biots used
as a wing material in a dry fly, but this fly used them,
probably to help simulate the wing profile and help
balance the fly. With hair tails, biot body, and what
looks like a combination of snowshoe rabbit and hare’s
ear fur in the thorax, this is an all-natural fly with 21st
century design aesthetic. Without even fishing this one
we know it will be a top choice for really fussy trout”.
Rick will receive a signed copy of the Orvis Fly Tying
Note: What they thought was snowshoe rabbit was UP
DN TROUT Wing Material.
This is truly a GUIDE FLY, the secret is out!