Chris Wood Fundraiser Auction 2024

2024 Auction

Click on above image to read an article published by TU and written by Chris Wood.

Looking to help a good cause? Lets help the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited.

There is only one winner.

Current Bid $750.00 (Chris H.)

Bidding closes 10:00 pm on March 1st, 2024

Any questions, contact Rick,  or   610-987-0073

Highest bid is the winner. 

Come enjoy two nights and a day and a half fishing with Chris Wood, CEO of Trout Unlimited, with PA Guides (Rick Nyles, Dave Rothrock, and Derek Eberly) with Sky Blue Outfitters. Lenny Lichvar, PATU President, will be joining the group.

The trip is valued at $ 1,000.00 pp

To place a bid, fill out the form below.


Arrive by noon on April 11th, have lunch and go fishing with Lenny and Chris. You will be guided by Rick Nyles, Dave Rothrock or Derek Eberly. We will head back at dusk and have a nice relaxing dinner and you can fish on the property.

April 12th, get up, have breakfast, pack a lunch and go fish all day. Come back at dusk and have a relaxing dinner.  

April 13th, get up to a hot breakfast of French Toast and Sausage and check out and you can go fishing the rest of the day.

Our goal is to fish Penns Creek, Spring Creek, Big Fishing Creek or others in the State Collage area. Lodging is right on Big Fishing Creek in Logan Mills, PA.

Hatches at this time should be Hendrickons, Caddis and Quills.


  • You can place as many bids as you like.

  • Highest bidder will be selected on the deadline of March 1st at 10:00 pm and will be the winner.

  • Bid is based on one angler, two anglers are allow at DOUBLE the bid (i.e. per angler). Example $1,000.00 bid x 2 is $2,000.00 total for two adult anglers. CHILDREN under 18 years old are FREE. So bring a daughter or son for the price of one.

  • Check will be made out to Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited. 

  • You must use the form below to place your bid.

  • If we need to cancel due to weather, you will still be required to contribute to PATU. You will receive a credit with Sky Blue Outfitters for services in the State Collage area. You will be required to be used within one year. If you cancel, you will forfeit your bid, but Sky Blue Outfitters has the right to issue a credit due to unforeseen circumstances. Work with us and we will work with you.

Chris is hooked up on a nice brown trout, see photo above.

Lodging on Big Fishing Creek in Logan Mills, PA