2025 Package Trips In Pennsylvania
Dates don’t sync with your schedule? Custom Trips Available For 1 Night or 2 Nights with Lodging, Food and Guiding.
Call 610-987-0073 or email rick@skyblueoutfitters.com
You can also fill out the form below and we will contact you within 24 hours.
Lodging On Big Fishing Creek in Logan Mills, PA in the State College area.
State College is ranked in the 25 top best places to trout fish in the USA.

Northern Lights Over The Farmhouse In 2024.
Lodging in Spruce Creek, PA. (Little Juniata).
Come learn from the most experienced guide service in Pennsylvania.
Meet The Sky Blue Outfitters’ Guide Staff
2025 Spring Trips
Central PA streams we may fish, Penns Creek, Little Juniata, Fishing Creek, Spring Creek, Pine, Little Pine, small brook trout streams, and streams we do not put into print.
State College is ranked in the 25 top best places to trout fish in the USA.
April Grannoms Trips On Penns Creek
Two Trips To Choose From.
April 6th to 8th, 2025 (2 Nights) For $1,100.00 pp
April 10th to 12th, 2025 (2 Nights) For $1,100.00 pp
Guides are Rick Nyles, Dave Allbaugh
Tips For The Guides Are Not Included
Prime time for central PA, Hendricksons, Red Quills and Grannoms. This trip will concentrate on fly fishing on Penns Creek. As always, lodging, food and 1 1/2 days (2 night trip) guiding included. One guide per two clients.
Email Rick for more details.
Arrive by 12 pm on day one, have lunch and fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day two: Breakfast, pack a lunch, and go fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day three, Hot Breakfast and check out.
Meals could be: Pulled Pork, BBQ Chicken, Tuna Steaks, Crab Cakes, Salmon, or Steaks. Bagels with all the fixings, muffins, fruit, oatmeal, cereal, pancakes and sausage. Lunch would be Turkey or Ham sandwiches.
Lodging is on Big Fishing Creek in Logan Mills, PA.
Email Rick or call 610-987-0073 if you have any questions.
April Hendrickson/Grannoms Trips On Penns Creek Or Little Juniata
Two Trips To Choose From.
Trip # 1 April 13th to 15th, 2025 (2 Nights) For $1,100.00 pp On The Little Juniata River with Dave Allbaugh. Limited to two clients.
Trip # 2 April 13th to 15th, 2025 (2 Nights) For $1,100.00 pp On Penns Creek with Rick Nyles and Andy Smiemtana. Limited to 4 clients.
Tips For The Guides Are Not Included
Prime time for central PA, Hendricksons, Red Quills and Grannoms. This trip will concentrate on fly fishing on Penns Creek or the Little Juniata River. As always, lodging, food and 2 1/2 days (3 night trip) 1 1/2 days (2 night trip) guiding included. One guide per two clients. Email Rick for more details.
Arrive by 12 pm on day one, have lunch and fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day two: Breakfast, pack a lunch, and go fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day three, Hot Breakfast and check out.
Meals could be: Pulled Pork, BBQ Chicken, Tuna Steaks, Crab Cakes, Salmon, or Steaks. Bagels with all the fixings, muffins, fruit, oatmeal, cereal, pancakes and sausage. Lunch would be Turkey or Ham sandwiches.
Lodging is on the Little Juniata River in Tyron, PA
Lodging is on Big Fishing Creek in Logan Mills, PA.
Email Rick or call 610-987-0073 if you have any questions.
Above and Below Trip On The Little Juniata and Penns Creek
April 22nd to 26th, 2025, 4 nights
Note: You will spend your first two days/nights at one of the lodges on Little J or the Farmhouse, and then flip over to the Farmhouse or Little J lodge.
Limited To 4 Clients
$ 1,500.00 pp for 4 night package
Tips For The Guides Not Included.
Spend two day on the little J and two days on Penns Creek for early season fishing with guides Dave Allbaugh (Little J) and Rick (Penns). A great time learning right before the season. Lodging, Food and 4 days guiding included for $ 1,500.00 per person. Enjoy the Hendrickson/Grannom hatch and learn wet fly fishing with Dave. Nymphing, and dry fly fishing with Rick. Limit 4 clients.
You will spend a day and a half with Dave Allbaugh on the Little Juniata and a day and a half on Penns with Rick at the Farmhouse. All meals are included along with lodging and guiding.
Day one, arrive by 12 pm on day one, have lunch and fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day two, quick breakfast, pack a lunch, and go fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day three, hot breakfast, and check out by 10:00 am and drive to the Farmhouse or the Spruce Creek lodge. Fish 1/2 a day until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day four, quick breakfast, pack a lunch, and go fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day five, hot breakfast and check out by 10:00 am.
Lodging In Spruce Creek, PA and Logan Mills, PA
Email Rick or call 610-987-0073 if you have any questions.
Quill Gordon/Cahill Trip On Penns Creek, Spring, Fishing Creek
April 27th to April 29th, 2025 (2 Nights)
Limited to 4 clients
$ 1,100.00 pp for 2 night package
Guides to be Rick Nyles and Dave Allbaugh.
Tips For The Guides Not Included.
Prime time for central PA, Quill Gordons, Caddis and Cahills. This trip will concentrate on fly fishing on Penns, Spring and Big Fishing Creek. As always, lodging, food and 1 1/2 days guiding included. One guide per two clients. Email Rick for more details.
Arrive by 12 pm on day one, have lunch and fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day two, quick breakfast, pack a lunch, and go fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day three, hot breakfast and check out by 10:00 am
Meals could be: Pulled Pork, BBQ Chicken, Tuna Steaks, Crab Cakes, Salmon, or Steaks. Bagels with all the fixings, muffins, fruit, oatmeal, cereal, pancakes and sausage. Lunch would be Turkey or Ham sandwiches.
Lodging is on Big Fishing Creek in Logan Mills, PA.
Email Rick or call 610-987-0073 if you have any questions.
Expert Trip On Penns Creek With Josh Miller, Rick Nyles, Dave Allbaugh, And Derek Eberly.
You do not have to be an “expert” to come on this trip.
We will teach you so you become an “expert”.
May 3rd to 6th, 2025
Expert Trip With Josh Miller (nymphing), Rick Nyles (dry fly fishing), Dave Allbaugh (wetfly fishing), and Derek Eberly (casting instructions).
$ 1,500.00 pp for the 3 night package, food, lodging, and guiding/instructions.
Call For More Details 610-987-0073 or fill out the form on this page.
March Brown Trip On Penns Creek, Spring, Fishing Creek
May 14th to 16th, 2025
Limited to 4 clients
$ 1,200.00 pp for 2 night package.
Guides will be Rick Nyles, and George Fallon.
Tips For The Guides Not Included.
Prime time for central PA, March Browns, Grey Fox, Sulphurs and Caddis. This trip will concentrate on fly fishing on Penns, Spring and Big Fishing Creek. As always, lodging, food and 2 1/2 days (3 night) 1 1/2 days (2 night) guiding included. One guide per two clients. Email Rick for more details.
Arrive by 12 pm on day one, have lunch and fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day two, quick breakfast, pack a lunch, and go fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day three, hot breakfast and check out by 10:00 am
Meals could be: Pulled Pork, BBQ Chicken, Tuna Steaks, Crab Cakes, Salmon, or Steaks. Bagels with all the fixings, muffins, fruit, oatmeal, cereal, pancakes and sausage. Lunch would be Turkey or Ham sandwiches.
Lodging is on Big Fishing Creek in Logan Mills, PA.
Email Rick or call 610-987-0073 if you have any questions.
March Brown Trip On Little Juniata River
May 14th to 16th, 2025
Limited to 2 clients
$ 1,200.00 pp for 2 night package.
Guide will be Dave Allbaugh.
Tips For The Guides Not Included.
Prime time for central PA, March Browns, Grey Fox, Sulphurs and Caddis. This trip will concentrate on fly fishing on Little Juniata. As always, lodging, food and 2 1/2 days (3 night) 1 1/2 days (2 night) guiding included. One guide per two clients. Email Rick for more details.
Arrive by 12 pm on day one, have lunch and fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day two, quick breakfast, pack a lunch, and go fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day three, hot breakfast and check out by 10:00 am
Meals could be: Pulled Pork, BBQ Chicken, Tuna Steaks, Crab Cakes, Salmon, or Steaks. Bagels with all the fixings, muffins, fruit, oatmeal, cereal, pancakes and sausage. Lunch would be Turkey or Ham sandwiches.
Lodging is on Big Fishing Creek in Logan Mills, PA.
Email Rick or call 610-987-0073 if you have any questions.
CICADA Madness On The Little Juniata And Penns Creek
May 21st to 23rd, 2025
Limited to 2 anglers on the Little Juniata
Limited to 4 anglers on Penns Creek at the Farmhouse
Cost is $1,200.00 pp for 2 night package
Brood XIV is coming to Pennsylvania in May and June, 2025
Guides will be Rick Nyles, Andy Smietana, and Dave Allbaugh (Little J)
Prime time for central PA, CICADAS! They are coming to central PA. These dates put us right in the middle of the hatch. Fish should be feeding all day on these big flying bugs. This trip will concentrate on fly fishing on Penns Creek or the Little Juniata River. As always, lodging, food and 1 1/2 days of guiding (2 nights) Lodging and all meals included. One guide per two clients. Email Rick for more details.
Day one: Arrive by 12 pm on day one, have lunch and fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day two: Breakfast, pack a lunch, and go fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day three, Hot Breakfast and check out.
Meals could be: Pulled Pork, BBQ Chicken, Tuna Steaks, Crab Cakes, Salmon, or Steaks. Bagels with all the fixings, muffins, fruit, oatmeal, cereal, pancakes and sausage. Lunch would be Turkey or Ham sandwiches.
Lodging is on the Little Juniata River in Tyron, PA
Lodging is on Big Fishing Creek in Logan Mills, PA.
Email Rick or call 610-987-0073 if you have any questions.
Green Drake Trip On Penns Creek, Big Fishing Creek, Pine Creek
May 27th to 29th, 2025
Limited to 4 clients
$ 1,200.00 pp for two nights, two half days and one full day guiding package.
Guides will be Rick Nyles and George Fallon.
Tips For The Guides Not Included.
Prime time for central PA, Green Drakes, Caddis, and Sulphurs. This trip will concentrate on fly fishing on Penns and Big Fishing Creek. As always, lodging, food and 2 1/2 days (3 night) 1 1/2 days (2 night) guiding included. One guide per two clients. Email Rick for more details.
Arrive by 12 pm on day one, have lunch and fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day two and three, quick breakfast, pack a lunch, and go fish until dark. Dinner and bedtime.
Day four, hot breakfast and check out by 10:00 am
Meals could be: Pulled Pork, BBQ Chicken, Tuna Steaks, Crab Cakes, Salmon, or Steaks. Bagels with all the fixings, muffins, fruit, oatmeal, cereal, pancakes and sausage. Lunch would be Turkey or Ham sandwiches.
Lodging is on Big Fishing Creek in Logan Mills, PA.
Email Rick or call 610-987-0073 if you have any questions.
Wild Trout Trips In Potter County
Wild and Native Trout Fishing In Pennsylvania
The whole commonwealth has wild and native (brook) trout streams where you would not think there would be any. Rick lives in Berks county and yes, there are native Brook Trout in several streams. Wild browns are the most abundant trout found throughout Pennsylvania. From Philadelphia to Pittsburgh to Erie to Scranton, trout can be in the smallest streams to the larger rivers. Wild trout can be found in the Schuylkill where they can hold year round where springs and cool water stream keep the temperature down into their zone year round. Look for wetlands that produce a creek. Look for small creek that have some plunge holes with cover. Look for root piles and fallen trees when they can hide from prey and the sun. Just go out and explore and see what you can find. If there is a trail you are in the wrong place. Join us for a whole day trip or an overnight package.

Native Brook Trout Trip (2 nights)
Trip # 1 June 2nd to 4th, 2025
Trip # 2 June 6th to 8th, 2025
Cost is $900.00 All-Inclusive, Food, Lodging and Guiding
We are offering an all-inclusive guided trip into Potter County Pennsylvania. This guided trip will be specifically dry fly fishing with short rod (6′ to 7 1/2′ 3 to 4 wt’s) for native brook trout. We will be targeting a few of Northern Pennsylvania’s premier brook trout streams. Some of these waters are well known in the region and some are not so well known. All of these waters are exceptionally awesome brook trout streams.
This trip will be 1 on 1 (one angler to 1 guide) and is limited to 1 clients. Lodging is in Dave Allbaugh cabin and food provided, BYOB.
Day 1: Arrive in Cross Forks, PA at 1:00 pm. At 1:00 pm we will head to one of the area streams and fish till dark. Upon our return from the stream we will head to Dave’s camp.
Day 2: You will awake to breakfast at 7:00 am and head out fishing. At 12:00 noon or there after we’ll break for a stream-side lunch. After lunch we’ll get back on the water and fish till dark. After we get off the water for the evening we’ll head down to Dave’s camp for supper.
Day 3: Breakfast will be provided. Check out is 10:00 am
Fall Trips, 2025
Expert Trip On Penns Creek With George Daniel, Rick Nyles, Dave Allbaugh, And Derek Eberly.
You do not have to be an “expert” to come on this trip.
We will teach you so you become an “expert”.
Expert Trip With George Daniel (nymphing), Rick Nyles (dry fly fishing), Dave Allbaugh (wetfly fishing), and Derek Eberly (casting instructions).
October 3rd to 6th, 2024
$ 1,500.00 pp for the 3 night package, food, lodging, and guiding/instructions.
Call For More Details 610-987-0073 or fill out the form on this page.
Fall Trips On Penns and Little Juniata
Streamer On The Little Juniata: September 28th to 30th (1 1/2 days of guiding, lodging, and all meals.
Blue Wing Olive on Penns: October 10th to 12th (1 1/2 days of guiding, lodging, and all meals).
Streamers On The J: October 17th to 19th (1 1/2 days of guiding, lodging, and all meals).
Apple Caddis On Penns: October 24th to 26th (1 1/2 days of guiding, lodging, and all meals).
One day, two day and three day custom trips available.
All trips include food, lodging and guiding unless noted.
Guide Tips are not included.
Custom Trips are available (Call or Email), one night or two nights, one or two clients. Two clients per guide. We offer “Group Packages” for TU Chapters, Fly Fishing Clubs and Corporate Outings. Equipment can be supplied at no additional charge (might be a charge for waders if we do not have the proper size in stock).
Custom Trips can be arranged for Central and Eastern PA streams and rivers.
Call 610-987-0073 or email rick@skyblueoutfitters.com