Fly Fishing Guide Service On French Creek, Pickering, Skippack, Brandywine, Hay Manatawny Creek, Lackawanna River, Tulpehocken, Saucon, Bushkill, Little Lehigh, Monocacy, Class A Creeks, Pohopoco, Mud Run, Broadhead, Valley Creek.

Yes, there are streams like this in Southeastern PA
Eastern Pennsylvania Fly Fishing Streams and Creeks
This page address the eastern side of Pennsylvania. First, we tell it like it is, no fluff. We break down the area into two sections, Southeast and Northeast. Both areas have unique streams and creeks worth exploring. Wild trout can be found here in the east. We only talk about stream Sky Blue Outfitters have guided on and fish. It would not be fair to discuss streams that we have no experience guiding or fishing personally.
Join one of the must experienced guide services in the state of PA. Rick Nyles, Taylor Helbig, Justin Strawser, and Shane Becker are the most experienced guides in Eastern and Northeastern PA.

Southeastern Pennsylvania
The area is blessed with a lot of Class A rated water and medium sized freestone streams. You would be surprised where you can find trout. I have caught trout in the Schuylkill River in the Reading area, surprise! Learn From Our Experience!

Manatawny Creek

Sulphur Hatch
This is Rick’s and Taylor’s home stream. They have been fishing and guiding on the Manny for more than 40 years and must be considered the experts on the creek. The Manatawny has the best hatches in SEPA. Little Black Stoneflies, Hendricksons, Sulphurs, Caddis, Trico and Slate Drakes. The creek is a run off streams and will come up fast and go down fast. It is formed by two Class A Berks County streams (Pine and Beiber) along with three others. The Manny has seen hard time during the past couple drought years (2013-2017) but, still supports a nice population of wild Brown Trout. It is currently stocked by the State and some of the larger wild browns leave the stream on the stringer. Rick and Taylor are by far the most experienced guides on the Manny…Learn From Our Experience! We also guide on other streams in Berks such as Hay, Spring, Willow (Brook Trout) Wyomissing, Furnace, Class A creeks and others.
Join one of the must experienced guide services in the state of PA.

Tulpehocken Creek

What can you say about the Tulpehocken Creek (The Tully). It has a long history know for big Rainbows and large Browns. Rick and Taylor have well over 40 years of fishing and over 25 years of guiding on the Tully. It was formed when the Blue Marsh Dam was built in 1975. The discharge of cold/cool water made the trout grow fast and big. Times have changed. Flooding widen the creek and made it shallow. Water discharges in the summer now reach the mid 70’s and the fishermen are warned not to fish. There is very little trout reproduction on the Tully. It needs to be stocked every year, and is in the Keystone Select (stocked large trout program). This Delayed Harvest creek is stocked by the state with help from the local TU Chapter and the Local Fly Shop (TCO). The hatches have decreased due to high and low water releases. But still has good hatches of Caddis, Sulfurs and Trico. The Trico hatch use to be an event back in the old days, not so much any more. This is still a very good and technical fishery.
Don’t overlook the Carp fishing on the fly.

West Branch Of The Perkiomen

The West Branch is a Class A stream the runs into the main stem that is stocked. There are some nice wild fish in both. The west branch is rocky and small. There is some meadow fishing. Access is spotty and more open down stream. The main stem (Special Regulations) has more access and it runs into Green Lane Reservoir and is stocked by the state. Rick and Taylor are the most experience guides on this stream.

Little Lehigh, Saucon, Monocacy, Pohopoco And Mud Run

The Little Lehigh is stocked and has wild trout with two special regulation sections. It runs through the park system in Allentown. Hatches are pretty good. In 2017 a sink hole dried up the creek and there was a fish kill. Don’t worry it has come back.
The Monocacy and Saucon Creek are just as good as the Little Lehigh. Both are stocked but have wild reproduction of brown trout. Both streams have special regulation sections.
Further north in the Lehigh River valley is the Pohopoco. The Poh is controlled by a dam and keeps the water cold year round. It also gives a good shot of cold water to the Lehigh River. It has wild fish and stocked fish. It’s a fun stream and your feet can get cold in July, dam release.
Mud Run is another tributary to the Lehigh. It has wild and some areas that are stocked. I like it for it’s scenery and the feel of being in the wilds.
Little Schuylkill has a regulated section and is stocked by the state. There is some wild trout but, the tributaries support more wild trout. Caddis is the best hatch. It can get warm in the summer but there is a lot of tree canopy cover (Green Inch Worm).
Join one of the must experienced guide services in the state of PA.

Broadhead and Bushkill

Broadhead is a great stream, sometimes. It has stocked and wild fish like most better know streams. Before the drought years, you could find fish in a park area or get a little more wild. You might be surprise what you catch, just saying. Bushkill is a lot of fun for those who like fishing small pocket water. There is also the Bushkill Creek in the Eastern Area, we guide there also. It is stocked by the state and has good hatches. Nymphing works best.

Northeast PA
Lackawanna, Lackawaxen And Bowman Creek.
Lackawanna River Brown Trout
I am going to keep this short and sweet. Trout Unlimited had their nation convention in Scranton on the Lackawanna river, 17 miles of trout stream. I am not saying anymore. The Lackawaxen is a large river that is controlled by a dam release that generates power. Watch out, you could get caught on the wrong side of the river and spend the night. Check the release schedule for Wallenpaupack Lake. Bowman Creek is fun and is stocked and has wild brown trout reproduction. It was ravaged by a flood in 2012-13, it came back with the help of the TU chapter in the area. It is stocked and has good access. There is a special regulation section. I like to fish the more remote areas.

There are many other streams worth exploring in the Pocono region, such as McMichael’s, Devils Hole and Tobyhanna. In SEPA you have Valley Creek, Hay Creek, Ridley, French Creek, Little Schuylkill and Martins, just to name a few.